I guess this is not planed feature, but something which are to be improved later.
for instance, the support of getClass in Java is not supported in dart now. (this will be obj.type getter). but I read a proposal, this is going to be supported.
there are two issues.
if we have a function taking Type value as the argument, like f(A), this works as expected. but we cannot write f(A<B>)!.
also Type a = A<B> is not allowed.
So in a sense, generic class is not a first class citizen in Dart now.
Also similar, but more strange problem is following:
InstanceMirror immir = reflect(new List<B>()); Type t = immir.type.reflectedType; print(">> ${t}"); ClassMirror mirr = reflectClass(t); print("2>> ${mirr.reflectedType}");
Since we cannot use List<B>, we need to create this type by reflect(new List<B>()).type.reflectedType. and this will be shown as List<B>.
but if we use this type to create ClassMirror, the getter call, mirr.reflectedType will cause runtime error.
>> List<B> Unhandled exception: Unsupported operation: Declarations of generics have no reflected type #0 _LocalClassMirrorImpl.reflectedType (dart:mirrors-patch/mirrors_impl.dart:304:7) #1 test_generics (file:///opt/dart-workspace/reflective_web_dev_kit/sample_app/bin/sample_json_mapper_test.dart:77:21) #2 main (file:///opt/dart-workspace/reflective_web_dev_kit/sample_app/bin/sample_json_mapper_test.dart:82:16)
This is actually not good for portable_mirror librray.
Since creating Type through dart:mirrors library is not allows in javascript mode.
For example, couchdb_client_dao(in browser side) need to convert json string of list to list of entity. So ideally, this should be parsed by jsonMapper's fromJson. and it requires type value in the first argument, e.g, fromJson(List<modelType>, json).
This issue would not be limited to javascript mode. but it would also affect to the Dart VM mode.
So in order to avoid this problem in DartVM mode(as well as JavaScript mode), it will be necessary to avoid using Type. Instead, it should always use IClassMirror.
Although that may fix the jsonMapper, but this issue may influence in entire application
So one approach is not to worry about the generic type case(including list/map), and wait until this mirror issue is fixed..
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